How many players?
(set: $speed1 to (random: 1,3))
(set: $strength1 to (random: 6,8))
(set: $sanity1 to (random: 2,4))
(set: $speed2 to (random: 2,3))
(set: $strength2 to (random: 4,6))
(set: $sanity2 to (random: 4,6))
(set: $speed3 to (random: 1,3))
(set: $strength3 to (random: 2,4))
(set: $sanity3 to (random: 6,8))
(set: $speed4 to (random: 3,4))
(set: $strength4 to (random: 2,5))
(set: $sanity4 to (random: 2,5))
(set: $speed5 to (random: 2,3))
(set: $strength5 to (random: 2,3))
(set: $sanity5 to (random: 5,10))
(set: $speed6 to (random: 1,3))
(set: $strength6 to (random: 3,6))
(set: $sanity6 to (random: 3,6))
(set: $speed7 to (random: 1,2))
(set: $strength7 to (random: 5,10))
(set: $sanity7 to (random: 2,3))
(set: $speed8 to (random: 1,4))
(set: $strength8 to (random: 1,8))
(set: $sanity8 to (random: 1,8))
(set: $speed9 to (random: 3,4))
(set: $strength9 to (random: 2,4))
(set: $sanity9 to (random: 2,4))
(set: $speed10 to (random: 1,3))
(set: $strength10 to (random: 2,6))
(set: $sanity10 to (random: 2,6))
(set: $speed11 to (random: 1,3))
(set: $strength11 to (random: 2,6))
(set: $sanity11 to (random: 2,6))
(set: $speed12 to 1)
(set: $strength12 to (random: 6,8))
(set: $sanity12 to (random: 6,8))
(set: $equipment1 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon1 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment2 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon2 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment3 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon3 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment4 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon4 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment5 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon5 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment6 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon6 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment7 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon7 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment8 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon8 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment9 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon9 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment10 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon10 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment11 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon11 to (a: "None"))
(set: $equipment12 to (a: "None"))
(set: $weapon12 to (a: "None"))
(set: $counter to 1)
(set: $roomH to (a: "None"))
(set: $d1 to (a: ""))
(set: $d2 to (a: ""))
(set: $d3 to (a: ""))(set: $name1 to (prompt: "Player 1", "default name"))
(set: $name2 to (prompt: "Player 2", "default name"))
(set: $name3 to (prompt: "Player 3", "default name"))
(set: $name4 to (prompt: "Player 4", "default name"))
(set: $name5 to (prompt: "Player 5", "default name"))
(set: $name6 to (prompt: "Player 6", "default name"))
(set: $name7 to (prompt: "Player 7", "default name"))
(set: $name8 to (prompt: "Player 8", "default name"))
[[8 Player Story]](set: $name1 to (prompt: "Player 1", "default name"))
(set: $name2 to (prompt: "Player 2", "default name"))
(set: $name3 to (prompt: "Player 3", "default name"))
(set: $name4 to (prompt: "Player 4", "default name"))
(set: $name5 to (prompt: "Player 5", "default name"))
(set: $name6 to (prompt: "Player 6", "default name"))
(set: $name7 to (prompt: "Player 7", "default name"))
(set: $name8 to (prompt: "Player 8", "default name"))
(set: $name9 to (prompt: "Player 9", "default name"))(set: $name1 to (prompt: "Player 1: Stupidly Confident, Relies on Strength, Unhinged, Lone Wolf", "default name"))
(set: $name2 to (prompt: "Player 2: Predictable, No specialization, A little useful at everything", "default name"))
(set: $name3 to (prompt: "Player 3: Hates Player 1, Intelligent, Physically weak", "default name"))
[[3 Player Story]]
The Haunting is inspired by a board game format. The game is created to host four players. Three players will take on the role of adventurers. One player will play the role of The Haunting, a mysterious creature that will tirelessly pursue the intruders until they are all piles of goo on the floor. Each player has a set of stats (Strength and Sanity). Strength is representative of attack while sanity is defense. If either fall to 0, the player will die. Each player takes on the role of an adventurer seeking to uncover the secrets of an old, abandoned estate. You will take turns exploring the estate, roaming from room to room. Each player will have a limited number of moves before their turn ends. A player may search the room that they are currently in for supplies. Searching a room will result in the player's turn ending. The player taking on the role of The Haunting will not play until turn 5. It will be up to the adventurers, to gather supplies as quickly as possible in order to survive the impending battle.
1)Strength: Represents attack in combat. If this stat falls to 0, the player will die.
2)Sanity: Represents defense in combat. If this stat falls to 0, the player will die.
3)Speed: Determines the amount of moves the player has before their turn ends.(set: $name1 to (prompt: "Player 1", "default name"))
(set: $name2 to (prompt: "Player 2", "default name"))
(set: $name3 to (prompt: "Player 3", "default name"))
(set: $name4 to (prompt: "Player 4", "default name"))
(set: $name5 to (prompt: "Player 5", "default name"))
(set: $name6 to (prompt: "Player 6", "default name"))
(set: $name7 to (prompt: "Player 7", "default name"))
(set: $name8 to (prompt: "Player 8", "default name"))
(set: $name9 to (prompt: "Player 9", "default name"))
(set: $name10 to (prompt: "Player 10", "default name"))
(set: $name11 to (prompt: "Player 11", "default name"))(set: $name1 to (prompt: "Player 1", "default name"))
(set: $name2 to (prompt: "Player 2", "default name"))
(set: $name3 to (prompt: "Player 3", "default name"))
(set: $name4 to (prompt: "Player 4", "default name"))
(set: $name5 to (prompt: "Player 5", "default name"))
(set: $name6 to (prompt: "Player 6", "default name"))
(set: $name7 to (prompt: "Player 7", "default name"))
(set: $name8 to (prompt: "Player 8", "default name"))
(set: $name9 to (prompt: "Player 9", "default name"))
(set: $name10 to (prompt: "Player 10", "default name"))
(set: $name11 to (prompt: "Player 11", "default name"))
(set: $name12 to (prompt: "Player 12", "default name"))Double-click this passage to edit it.You are a group of intrepid adventurers, here to explore the mysterious estate that rests on the hill. The town of Infernum has always existed under the shadow of the estate and now you will be the first ones to enter this horrific place for as long as the townsfolk can recall. Many legends surround the estate. Some say it was simply the grisly experimenting ground for a deranged immoral scientist while others claim that it’s a portal to hell itself. All of these rumors are hearsay with no concrete proof to back them up, but you have all come together on this day to discover the truth behind this place.
[[Enter the Estate]]The group enters the beautifully decorated foyer. They are greeted by a large round chandelier hanging above a visually impressive dual staircase. The lobby breaks off into [[several different directions.]]
(set: $moves1 to $speed1)$name1
speed:$speed1 strength:$strength1 sanity:$sanity1
moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(else:)[$name1 wasn't the type to sit around and wait. They wanted to get straight into the adventure. Without waiting on anyone else's approval they immediately began exploring the mansion. Where do you want to start $name1?
[[Upstairs -> player 1 upstairs]]
[[Dining Room -> player 1 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 1 living room]]]$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The upstairs leads to a long hallway that branches off into several rooms.
[[Search the immediate area]]] (End Turn)
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom]]
[[Guest Bedroom]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer P1T1]]]$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1 decides they want to take a stroll on into the dining room. An old table sits in the center of the room. $name1 sighs, "Boorrring..."
[[Search Room -> Search Dining Room P1]] (End Turn)]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> Kitchen P1T1]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer P1T1]]]$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The living room is a large room with a firplace and several pieces of furniture resting in the center. As a student of feng shui, $name1 can tell you that this room is 88% good luck.
[[Search the room -> Search living room p1]] (End Turn)]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1) [[[Kitchen -> Kitchen P1T1]]
[[Study -> Studyp1]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer P1T1]]]YOU DIED(set: $p1dead to 1)
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]
(set: $room1 to (a: "Dead"))(if: $box is 1)[[[Revive Player 1]]]$name1 searches the dining room extensively. They notice a very suspicious crack in the wall. $name1 is known for throwing caution to the wind so naturally they [[reached inside to see what they could find.]]
(set: $p1dine to (random: 1,4))
(set: $searchdine1 to (a: "searched"))
(set: $room1 to (a: "Dining room"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[So this is where the magic happens. $name1 is very unfamiliar with the art of culinary. They just assumed that food magically appeared whenever restaurant workers summoned it with their mind powers. The concept of cooking is just far too impossible for $name1 to properly conceive.
[[Search the room -> P1 search Kitchen]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Dining Room -> player 1 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 1 living room]]
[[Courtyard -> P1 Courtyard]]]$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1 returned to the foyer where everyone else just stared at them judgingly for taking off without a word.]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Upstairs -> player 1 upstairs]]
[[Dining Room -> player 1 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 1 living room]]]
(if: $moves1 < 1 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(set: $room1 to (a: "Foyer"))(set: $moves2 to $speed2)$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[After watching $name1 leave the group without saying a word, $name2 made sure to actually announce their exit.
[[Upstairs -> player 2 upstairs]]
[[Dining Room -> player 2 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 2 living room]]]
$name1: $room1 $d1(if: $p1dine is 1)[ Your hand is grabbed by something! Its grip is unrelenting.
[[Attempt to pull your arm out of its grasp]]]
(elseif: $p1dine is 2)[You pull out a [[flashlight.]] This should help you illuminate dark areas of the estate.]
(elseif: $p1dine is 3)[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 - 1) (set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 + 1) You feel a terrible burning sensation on the palm of your hand. The pain is excruciating. You pull your hand out of the hole to discover a fresh brand on your palm. The brand seems more like an omen. It saps you of your strength but it also gives you mental clarity.
Strength: -1 Sanity: +1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(elseif: $p1dine is 4) [You found absolutely nothing.
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] (if: $strength1 >= 4) [(set: $strength1 to ($strength1 + 2)) You successfully pull your arm out of the hole in the wall. You get an adrenaline rush that empowers you. (Strength +2)] (elseif: $strength1 < 4)[(set: $sanity1 to ($sanity1 - 1)) You are unable to free yourself from the creature's grasp. It slams you against the wall several times before giving up. Your rock solid confidence is shaken. (Sanity -1)]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]The flashlight is an equipment item. You can only have one piece of equipment at a time. You may switch a piece of equipment for another if you stumble upon one.
Description: Through the power of stored electricity, man has found a way to harness the power of God and create light.
Flashlight: Sanity +1
[[Swap ->Swap]] $equipment1 for flashlight
[[Don't swap]](set: $equipment1 to (a: "Flashlight"))(if: $equipment1 is (a:"Flashlight"))[(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 +1)]
(else:)[(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 -1)]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]Easily distracted, $name1 finds themself lost in the majesty of the fireplace. They notice an object among the burning embers. They quickly work to [[remove it from the fireplace.]]
(set: $p1live to (random: 1,4))
(set: $searchlive1 to (a: "searched"))
(set: $room1 to (a: "Living room"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The study was a fairly large room. It seems like a waste of space for just a desk and a few bookshelves.
[[Search the room -> Study P1]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Living Room -> player 1 living room]]](if: $p1live is 1)[You pull out a [[fire poker.]]]
(elseif: $p1live is 2)[You pull out a [[#8 pool ball.]]]
(elseif: $p1live is 3)[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 -1)[You burn yourself and are deterred from trying again.
Strength -1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]]
(elseif: $p1live is 4)[You pull out a [[metal lockbox.]]]The fire poker is a weapon. You can only hold one weapon at a time.
Description: The fire poker is an age old device used to separate humanity from the raging and uncontrollable powers of the great flame.
“It’s like a metal stick with a sharp pointy end.”
-Sun Tzu
Fire Poker: Strength +1
[[Trade -> Fire Poker P1]] $weapon1 for fire poker
[[Don't Trade]]The pool ball is a piece of equipment. You can only carry one piece of equipment at a time.
Description: These peculiar little spheres are usually made of acrylic or plastic resins. Despite this fact, many people seem to believe that they have some kind of “magic” quality to them. Some insane nutjobs even try asking them questions. Can you imagine?
"Magic" 8 Ball: Sanity +1
[[Trade -> 8 ball yes]] $equipment1 for 8 Ball
[[Don't trade -> 8 ball no]]The metal lockbox is an equipment item. You can only carry one equipment item at a time.
Description: It’s a metal box. What else do you want me to say? What does it do? Probably nothing, but you’ll take it anyway.
Metal Lockbox: Unknown effect
[[Trade -> Lock Box P1]] $equipment1 for lockbox
[[Don't Trade]](set: $equipment1 to (a: "8 Ball"))(if: $equipment1 is (a: "8 Ball"))[(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 +1)](else:)[(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 -1)]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] (set: $weapon1 to (a: "Fire Poker"))(if: $weapon1 is (a: "Fire Poker"))[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 +1)](else:)[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 -1)]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]](set: $equipment1 to (a: "Lock Box"))(set: $box to 1)$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]](set: $searchup1 to (a: "searched"))You look around and discover an end table with a locked drawer. You attempt to [[pry it open.]]
(set: $room1 to (a: "Upstairs"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The master bedroom is quite exotic. It's a bit too exotic for $name1’s taste.
[[Search the room -> P1 Master Bed]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Upstairs main area-> player 1 upstairs]]
[[Guest Bedroom]]
[[Library]]]$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The guest room is cozy enough. The bed is a good size and the wardrobe is an appreciated touch. It's the first room that $name1 doesn't find horrifically pretentious.
[[Search the room -> p1 Guest search]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom]]
[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 1 upstairs]]]$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1 has to face their age old enemy, READING. The sheer number of books in this room started to make them feel physically ill.
[[Search the room -> P1 search library]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 1 upstairs]]
[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom]]
[[Guest Bedroom]]](if: $strength1 >= 2)[You manage to break the lock. The drawer opens and inside you discover a [[switchblade.]]]
(else:)[You are unable to break the lock. It's just a piece of wood. You should be embarassed.
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] The switchblade is a weapon. You can only carry one weapon at a time.
Description: A fan favorite of greasers and 1950’s gangsters, these little shanks were so popular that they found themselves banned by American politician James J. Delaney.
Switchblade: Strength +1
[[Trade ->Trade Switch p1]] $weapon1 for switchblade
[[Don't Trade]](set: $weapon1 to (a: "Switchblade"))(if: $weapon1 is (a: "Switchblade"))[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 +1)](else:)[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 -1)]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]](set: $searchkitchen1 to (a: "searched"))You go and search in the only logical place, [[the fridge.]]
(set: $kitchen1 to (random: 1,4))
(set: $room1 to (a: "Kitchen"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The courtyard is nicely decorated with a few plants hanging from windows and a large fountain resting in the center.
[[Search the area -> Courtyard P1 search]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> Kitchen P1T1]]] (if: $kitchen1 is 1)[You open up the fridge to find nothing but a gross pile of black goo. You're no longer hungry, but now you're certain that you've been scarred for life.
(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 - 2)Sanity -2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(elseif: $kitchen1 is 2)[You open the fridge to find it filled to the brim with energy drinks. You've never had reservations before and you're not about to start now. You down as many as you can.
(set: $speed to 4)Speed MAX(4)
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(elseif: $kitchen1 is 3)[The fridge is empty. That was dissapointing.
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(elseif: $kitchen1 is 4)[You open the fridge and find yourself enough food to sate your growing hunger. Now you can focus on the task at hand.
(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 + 1)Sanity +1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] (set: $searchstudy1 to (a: "searched"))You seem to only have two options in here.
[[Search the desk]]
[[Search the bookshelves]]
(set: $room1 to (a: "Study"))You open up all the drawers of the desk. You find a lot of paperwork, which is odd considering that this place has been abandoned for as long as anyone can remember. When you open the last drawer, fortune smiles upon you. You discover a [[handgun]] inside.You sift through the books on the shelves and eventually discover a self help book. You're not usually a reader but you can't help but become engrossed by the words within. You begin your journey of self discovery.
(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 +2)Sanity +2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]The handgun is a weapon. You can only carry one weapon at a time.
Description: A useful, if not cliche, tool for defense. Don’t worry about ammo. It’s not a concern here. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.
Handgun Strength +2
[[Trade -> handgun P1]] $weapon1 for handgun
[[Don't Trade]](set: $weapon1 to (a: "Handgun"))(if: $weapon1 is (a: "Handgun"))[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 +2)](else:)[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 -2)]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]](set: $searchcourt1 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room1 to (a: "Courtyard"))Using your keen detective skills, you notice an odd shape [[in the fountain.]]
(set: $court1 to (random: 1,3))(set: $name1 to (prompt: "Player 1: Stupidly Confident, Relies on Strength, Unhinged, Lone Wolf", "default name"))
(set: $name2 to (prompt: "Player 2: Predictable, No specialization, A little useful at everything", "default name"))
(set: $name3 to (prompt: "Player 3: Hates Player 1, Intelligent, Physically weak", "default name"))
(set: $name4 to (prompt: "Player 4: Naturally curious, Cautiously courageous, Trusts easily", "default name"))
(set: $name5 to (prompt: "Player 5: Afraid of the dark, Strong willed, Fears isolation", "default name"))
(set: $name6 to (prompt: "Player 6: Charitable, Team player, Balanced traits", "default name"))
(set: $name7 to (prompt: "Player 7: Physically strong, Mentally weak, Related to Player 8", "default name"))
(set: $name8 to (prompt: "Player 8: Wild Card, Related to Player 7, Widest range of trait possibilities", "default name"))
(set: $name9 to (prompt: "Player 9: Track and field star, Not a fighter nor a thinker", "default name"))
(set: $name10 to (prompt: "Player 10: Slow mover, Gifted in strength and intelligence", "default name"))(if: $court1 is 1)[You reach into the fountain, but something grabs your hand and [[tries to pull you in.]]]
(elseif: $court1 is 2)[You reach in and pull out a [[key]]]
(elseif: $court1 is 3)[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 + 2)(set:$sanity1 to $sanity1 + 2)You reach in to grab the object and it dissolves in your hands, but the water inside the fountain invigorates you. You feel some strange energy radiating through you.
Strength and Sanity +2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]](if: $strength1 >= 5)[You are able to free yourself from the grasp of the creature trying to drown you.
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(else:)[The creature pulls you into the fountain. You are engulfed by the cold embrace of the water. Everything around you is black and it feels like the fountain has turned into an ocean. You struggle as the creature pulls further down into the abyss. You can’t do anything to save yourself. You can only hope that your other friends will find their way to you.
Sanity -2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(set: $fountianfall to 1)The key is an equipment item. You can only carry one equipment item at a time.
Description: A key to the front door of the mansion. It could come in handy if someone were to lock you in. Not that anyone would want to do that, of course.
Key: Grants another means of escape during a haunting
[[Trade -> KeyP1]] $equipment1 for key
[[Don't Trade]](set: $equipment1 to (a: "Key"))(set: $key1 to 1)$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] (set: $searchmbed1 to (a: "searched")) (set: $room1 to (a: "Master Bedroom"))$name1 looks around and determins that there are only two reasonable options.
(set: $mbed to (random: 1,2))
[[Smash the bed]]
[[Search the nightstand]]
(if: $mbed is 1)[You smash the shit out of the bed and there are no immediate consequences. Nothing may have happened but you certainly feel better.
(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 +1)Sanity +1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(elseif: $mbed is 2)[You smash that fucking bed to pieces! A rush of strength pumps itself through you.
(set: $strength to $strength +1)Strength +1
(set: $smashed to 1)
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] (if: $sanity1 >= 3)[You open the drawer of the nightstand to find it filled with roaches. You’ve never let a few bugs stop you before so you reach in and pull out a [[headlamp.]]]
(else:)[You open the drawer of the nightstand to find it filled with roaches. You decide that you're not about that life and walk away with your dignity intact.
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] The headlamp is an equipment item. You can only hold one equipment item at a time.
Description: "It's like a flashlight, but you wear it on your head!" -Adolf Hitler
Headlamp Sanity +3
[[Trade -> P1 Headlamp]] $equipment1 for headlamp
[[Don't Trade]](set: $equipment1 to (a: "Headlamp"))(if: $equipment1 is (a: "Headlamp"))[(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 +3)](else:)[(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 -3)]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] (set: $searchgbed1 to (a: "searched")) (set: $room1 to (a: "Guest Bedroom"))The guest room didn't offer much in the way of exploration but the [[wardrobe]] did prove to be worth checking out.
(set:$guest1 to (random: 1,2))(if: $guest1 is 1)[You find nothing of use, not a single lion nor a witch.
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(elseif: $guest1 is 2)[You find a [[fancy coat]] in the wardrobe. This'll be sure to help with any chilling encounters.]The coat is an equipment item. You can only carry one equipment item at a time.
Description: Rumor has it that our ancient ancestors wore extra layers to protect themselves from the elements. These days we wear chic designs to look like the biggest assholes on the planet.
“It’s actually Gucci.”
-Genghis Khan
Coat: Sanity +2 Strength +1
[[Trade -> Coat P1]] $equipment1 for coat
[[Don't Trade]] (set: $equipment1 to (a: "Coat"))(if: $equipment1 is (a: "Coat"))[(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 +2)(set: $strength1 to $strength1 + 1)](else:)[(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 -2)(set: $strength1 to $strength1 - 1)]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] (set: $searchlibrary1 to (a: "searched")) (set: $room1 to (a: "Library"))$name1 is sickened by the amount of knowledge in one place. "How could anyone live like this," they think. Frusted, they [[push a whole row of books off the shelf.]]
(set: $library1 to (random: 1,3))(if: $library1 is 1)[A [[baseball bat]] falls off of the shelf alongside the books. Convenient.]
(elseif: $library1 is 2)[The crash of the books is unsatisfying and you're left seething in frustration.
(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 - 1)Sanity -1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(elseif: $library1 is 3)[The crash of the books is satisfying and you feel better after releasing your frustration.
(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 +1)Sanity +1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] The baseball bat is a weapon. You can only carry one weapon at a time.
Description: This wooden club-like stick has roots tied to the very beginnings of human civilization.
“Hey! What if we hit a ball with the clubs instead of bashing each others skulls in with them?”
-Jackie Robinson (The inventor of baseball)
Baseball Bat: Strength +3
[[Trade -> P1 Baseball bat]] $weapon1 for baseball bat
[[Don't Trade]](set: $weapon1 to (a: "Baseball Bat"))(if: $weapon1 is (a: "Baseball Bat"))[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 +3)](else:)[(set: $strength1 to $strength1 -3)]$name1 Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]] (set: $room2 to (a: "Upstairs"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $moves2 - 1) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[The upstairs leads to a long hallway that branches off into several rooms.
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $searchup2 is 0)[[[Search the immediate area -> Upstairs P2]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P2]]
[[Library -> Library P2]]
[[Foyer -> P2T1 Foyer]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]](set: $room2 to (a: "Dining room"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $moves2 - 1) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2 takes in the dining room. "It's just a table," they state.
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $searchdine2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P2 Dining room search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> P2 Kitchen]]
[[Foyer -> P2T1 Foyer]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]](set: $room2 to (a: "Living room"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $moves2 - 1) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2 steps into the living room. "Cozy," they think.
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $searchlive2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> Search living room p2]] (End Turn)]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1) [[[Kitchen -> P2 Kitchen]]
[[Study -> Studyp2]]
[[Foyer -> P2T1 Foyer]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]YOU DIED (set: $p2dead to 1)
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]
(set: $room2 to (a: "Dead"))(if: $box is 1)[[[Revive Player 2]]](set: $searchdine2 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room2 to (a: "Dining room"))$name2 notices a missing tile on the floor. They move to [[inspect it further.]]
(set: $dine2 to (random: 1,4))(set: $room2 to (a: "Kitchen"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $moves2 - 1) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[The kitchen is the fanciest one that $name2 has ever seen.
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $searchkitchen2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P2 Kitchen Search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Dining Room -> player 2 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 2 living room]]
[[Courtyard -> P2 Courtyard]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]$name2 (set: $moves2 to $moves2 - 1)(set: $room2 to (a: "Foyer")) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[(if: $turn is 0)[$name2 returns to the foyer and awkwardly avoids eye contact with $name3]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[Foyer]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Upstairs -> player 2 upstairs]]
[[Dining Room -> player 2 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 2 living room]]]
(if: $moves2 < 1 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(if: $key2 is 1 and $dime is 1 and $exit is 0)[[[Unlock the door -> Unlock 2]]]
(if: $exit is 1)[[[Escape -> Escape 2]]]](if: $dine2 is 1)[You stare at the spot on the floor. Suddenly it begins to glow and the sound of whistling and chanting can be heard. The noise crescendos into an ear shattering pitch and the glow becomes too overwhelming for your eyes but you can’t force yourself to look away. You’re suddenly jolted out of your trance by $name3. “Everything okay?” they ask.
“Yeah,” you respond. They shrug their shoulders and head back to the foyer. You find yourself shaken by the experience.
(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 - 1)Sanity -1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(elseif: $dine2 is 2)[You start knocking on the floor. It sounds [[hollow.]]]
(elseif: $dine2 is 3)[You stare at the floor intently for several minutes. It gets to a point where the others actually become concerned with you. You determine that there is nothing special about the missing tile and move on.
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(elseif: $dine2 is 4)[You are blinded by a flash of light. In that moment you are granted vague visions of something you don’t understand. You are closer to achieving mental clarity.
((set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 + 1)Sanity +1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]](set: $moves3 to $speed3)$name3 Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[That asshole $name1 decided that this is all about them and wandered off on their own. At least $name2 had the decency to let everyone know when they were leaving to explore on their own. Now it's your turn $name3.
[[Upstairs -> player 3 upstairs]]
[[Dining Room -> player 3 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 3 living room]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2](if: $strength2 >= 2)[You stomp on the floor and easily break through the weakened spot. Inside the newly created hole, you discover a [[hammer.]] (because that makes sense)]
(else:)[You try to break through the floor but you're too weak to make a dent.
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]The hammer is a weapon. You can only hold one weapon at a time.
Description: A carpenter's best friend. The screwdriver is his wife and the wrench is his mistress, but the hammer is always reliable in a non sexual way.
Hammer: Strength +1
[[Trade -> P2 Hammer]] $weapon2 for hammer
[[Don't Trade -> P2 Don't trade]](set: $weapon2 to (a: "Hammer"))(if: $weapon2 is (a: "Hammer"))[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 +1)](else:)[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 -1)]$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]](set: $searchkitchen2 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room2 to (a: "Kitchen"))$name2 searches the [[cupboards]] for anything useful.
(set: $kit2 to (random: 1,3))(set: $room2 to (a: "Courtyard"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $moves2 - 1) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[The courtyard is nicely decorated with a few plants hanging from windows and a large fountain resting in the center.
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $searchcourt2 is 0)[[[Search the area -> Courtyard P2 search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> P2 Kitchen]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]](if: $kit2 is 1)[Several large rats jump out of the cupboard and attempt to knaw on you. You fight them off but you're worse for wear afterwards.
(set: $strength2 to $strength2 -1)Strength -1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(elseif: $kit2 is 2)[You discover several herbs and spices inside the cupboard that are sure to be safe for consumption.
(set: $strength2 to $strength2 +2)Strength +2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(elseif: $kit2 is 3)[You find a pristine can of spaghettios. Anybody can soldier on after munching on some faux Italian rings.
(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 +2)Sanity +2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]](set: $searchcourt2 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room2 to (a: "Courtyard"))Naturally $name2 decided to investigate the [[fountain.]]
(set: $court2 to (random: 1,2))(if: $court2 is 1)[You reach into the fountain and pull out a [[penny.]]]
(elseif: $court2 is 2)[You stare at your reflection in the water. It distorts and turns into a terrifying monster. You scream in terror before it turns back to normal.
(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 -2)Sanity -2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]The penny is an equipment item. You can only hold one equipment item at a time.
Description: Lucky pennies are a common idea among the populace. They’re obviously not actually lucky but sometimes people just need to have their fun.
“I want people to see my face and know that they’re in for good luck.”
-Abraham Lincoln
Lucky Penny: Sanity +4
[[Trade -> P2 penny]] $equipment2 for penny
[[Don't Trade -> P2 Don't trade]] (set: $equipment2 to (a: "Penny"))(if: $equipment2 is (a: "Penny"))[(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 +4)](else:)[(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 -4)]$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]](set: $room2 to (a: "Master Bedroom"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $moves2 - 1) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[(if: $smashed is 1)[The room is nicely decorated but for some reason the bed is destroyed.](if: $smashed < 1)[$name2 is amazed by the beauty of the room.]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $searchmbed2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P2 Master Bed]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Upstairs main area-> player 2 upstairs]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P2]]
[[Library -> Library P2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]](set: $room2 to (a: "Guest Bedroom"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $moves2 - 1) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[The guest room is cozy enough. There is a nice bed, a wardrobe, and a nightstand.
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $searchgbed2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> p2 Guest search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P2]]
[[Library -> Library P2]]
[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 2 upstairs]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]](set: $room2 to (a: "Library"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $moves2 - 1) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2 is impressed by the architecture of the library. It's definitely fancier than the public library.
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $searchlibrary2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P2 search library]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 2 upstairs]]
[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]](set: $searchup2 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room2 to (a: "Upstairs"))$name2 searches around and notices a bit of the wallpaper has been torn. They grab at it and [[tear the whole thing off the wall.]]
(set: $up2 to (random: 1,2))(set: $room3 to (a: "Upstairs"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $moves3 - 1) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[The upstairs leads to a long hallway that branches off into several rooms.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchup3 is 0)[[[Search the immediate area -> Upstairs P3]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P3]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P3]]
[[Library -> Library P3]]
[[Foyer -> P3T1 Foyer]]]
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]](set: $room3 to (a: "Dining room"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $moves3 - 1) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3 takes in the dining room. There is a fine mahogany table at the center of the room.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchdine3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P3 Dining room search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> P3 Kitchen]]
[[Foyer -> P3T1 Foyer]]]
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]](set: $room3 to (a: "Living room"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $moves3 - 1) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3 steps into the living room. It's ornately designed. No doubt $name1 would have some bullshit feng shui "fact" about this room they’d like to spout off for attention.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchlive3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> Search living room p3]] (End Turn)]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1) [[[Kitchen -> P3 Kitchen]]
[[Study -> Studyp3]]
[[Foyer -> P3T1 Foyer]]]
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]YOU DIED(set: $p3dead to 1)
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]
(set: $room3 to (a: "Dead"))(if: $box is 1)[[[Revive Player 3]]](set: $searchdine3 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room3 to (a: "Dining room"))$name3 takes a closer look at that [[lovely table.]]
(set: $dine3 to (random: 1,3))(set: $room3 to (a: "Kitchen"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $moves3 - 1) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[The kitchen is certainly a site to see. $name3 is actually quite the chef themself.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchkitchen3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P3 Kitchen Search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Dining Room -> player 3 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 3 living room]]
[[Courtyard -> P3 Courtyard]]]
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]$name3 (set: $moves3 to $moves3 - 1)(set: $room3 to (a: "Foyer")) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3 returns to the foyer and wonders why everyone is taking turns moving around the house instead of just searching together.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Upstairs -> player 3 upstairs]]
[[Dining Room -> player 3 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 3 living room]]]
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Next Player ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(if: $key3 is 1 and $dime is 1 and $exit is 0)[[[Unlock the door -> Unlock 3]]]
(if: $exit is 1)[[[Escape -> Escape 3]]](if: $up2 is 1)[After tearing off the wall paper, the whole house starts to shake and the walls begin to bleed. This will probably scar you forever.
(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 - 1)Sanity -1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(elseif: $up2 is 2)[You notice a loose [[2X4.]]]The 2X4 is a weapon. You can only carry one weapon at a time.
Description: Definitive proof that literally anything can be a weapon.
2X4: Strength +2
[[Trade -> 2X4 P2]] $weapon2 for 2X4
[[Don't Trade -> P2 Don't trade]](set: $weapon2 to (a: "2X4"))(if: $weapon2 is (a: "2X4"))[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 +2)](else:)[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 -2)]$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]](set: $searchmbed2 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room2 to (a: "Master Bedroom"))After looking around, $name2 knows they have two choices.
[[Search in the closet]]
[[Search under the bed]]You dig around the closet and find a [[slingshot.]] This is an interesting find.You search under the bed and discover a satchel filled with [[glow sticks.]] The slingshot is a weapon. You can only carry one weapon at a time.
Description: Some call it the precursor to the gun. Others think that it’s actually the descendent.
“You mean to tell me that we don’t have to throw our rocks anymore!? This thing will throw them for us?”
-Elvis Presley
Slingshot: Strength +2 Sanity +1
[[Trade -> Slingshot P2]] $weapon2 for slingshot
[[Don't Trade -> P2 Don't trade]](set: $weapon2 to (a: "Slingshot"))(if: $weapon2 is (a: "Slingshot"))[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 +2)(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 + 1)](else:)[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 -2)(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 - 1)]$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]The glow sticks are an equipment item. You can only carry one equipment item at a time.
Description: A fun and practical way to light a room. They’re also great for raves.
Glow Sticks: Sanity +2
[[Trade -> Glow P2]] $equipment2 for glow sticks
[[Don't Trade -> P2 Don't trade]](set: $equipment2 to (a: "Glow Sticks"))(if: $equipment2 is (a: "Glow Sticks"))[(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 +2)](else:)[(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 -2)]$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]](if: $dine3 is 1)[You notice something taped to the bottom of the table. You pull it free and discover that it's [[a pocket knife.]]]
(elseif: $dine3 is 2) [You brush your hand over the table but reel back in pain after getting a splinter. The table's betrayal leaves you shaken.
(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 - 1)Sanity -1
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(elseif: $dine3 is 3)[You sit and breathe in the beauty of the table. It calms your soul.
(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 + 1)Sanity +1
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]The pocket knife is a weapon. You can only carry one at a time.
Description: With this ingenious design, you can safely store a knife in your pocket without stabbing yourself.
Pocket Knife: Strength +1 Sanity +1
[[Trade -> P3 Pocket Knife]] $weapon3 for pocket knife
[[Don't Trade -> P3 Don't Trade]](set: $weapon3 to (a: "Pocket Knife"))(if: $weapon3 is (a: "Pocket Knife"))[(set: $strength3 to $strength3 +1)(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 +1)](else:)[(set: $strength3 to $strength3 -1)(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -1)]$name3 Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]$name3 Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]](set: $turn to 2)(set: $counter to $counter +1)(if: $counter < 5 or $counter > 5)[(if: $room1 is (a: "Dining room"))[$name1 (set: $moves1 to $speed1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1 decides they want to take a stroll on into the dining room. An old table sits in the center of the room. $name1 sighs, "Boorrring..."
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for Key ->[Search for key 1]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> Kitchen P1T2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer P1T2]]]]]
(elseif: $room1 is (a: "Kitchen"))[$name1 (set: $moves1 to $speed1)Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[So this is where the magic happens. $name1 is very unfamiliar with the art of culinary. They just assumed that food magically appeared whenever restaurant workers summoned it with their mind powers. The concept of cooking is just far too impossible for $name1 to properly conceive.
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Dining Room -> player 1 dining room T2]]
[[Living Room -> player 1 living room T2]]
[[Courtyard -> P1 Courtyard T2]]]]]
(elseif: $room1 is (a: "Courtyard"))[$name1 (set: $moves1 to $speed1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The courtyard is nicely decorated with a few plants hanging from windows and a large fountain resting in the center.
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> Kitchen P1T2]]]]]
(elseif: $room1 is (a: "Upstairs"))[$name1 (set: $moves1 to $speed1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The upstairs leads to a long hallway that branches off into several rooms.]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom T2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest P1T2]]
[[Library -> Library P1T2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer P1T2]]]]
(elseif: $room1 is (a: "Master Bedroom"))[$name1 (set: $moves1 to $speed1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The master bedroom is quite exotic. It's a bit too exotic for $name1’s taste.]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Upstairs main area-> player 1 upstairs T2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest P1T2]]
[[Library -> Library P1T2]]]]
(elseif: $room1 is (a: "Foyer"))[$name1 (set: $moves1 to $speed1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[Foyer]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Upstairs -> player 1 upstairs]]
[[Dining Room -> player 1 dining room T2]]
[[Living Room -> player 1 living room T2]]]
(if: $moves1 < 1 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]
(set: $room1 to (a: "Foyer"))
(if: $key1 is 1 and $dime is 1 and $exit is 0)[[[Unlock the door ->[Unlock the door]]]
(if: $exit is 1)[[[Escape ->[Escape]]]]
(elseif: $room1 is (a: "Guest Bedroom"))[$name1 (set: $moves1 to $speed1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The guest room is cozy enough. The bed is a good size and the wardrobe is an appreciated touch. It's the first room that $name1 doesn't find horrifically pretentious.
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom T2]]
[[Library -> Library P1T2]]
[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 1 upstairs T2]]]]]
(elseif: $room1 is (a: "Library"))[$name1 (set: $moves1 to $speed1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1 has to face their age old enemy, READING. The sheer number of books in this room started to make them feel physically ill.
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 1 upstairs T2]]
[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom T2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest P1T2]]]]]
(elseif: $room1 is (a: "Living room"))[$name1 (set: $moves1 to $speed1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The living room is a large room with a firplace and several pieces of furniture resting in the center. As a student of feng shui, $name1 can tell you that this room is 88% good luck.
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1) [[[Kitchen -> Kitchen P1T2]]
[[Study -> Studyp1T2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer P1T2]]]]]
(elseif: $room1 is (a: "Study"))[$name1 (set: $moves1 to $speed1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The study was a fairly large room. It seems like a waste of space for just a desk and a few bookshelves.
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Living Room -> player 1 living room T2]]]]
(if: $room1 is (a: "Lab"))[(set: $moves1 to $speed1)You've returned to your dimension. It's time to get the hell out of here.
[[Study -> Studyp3]]]]
(if: $room1 is (a: "Dead"))[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]]
(if: $counter is 5)[[[12:00 a.m. The Haunting Hour ->[12:00 a.m. The Haunting Hour]]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(if: $room1 is (a: "Escaped"))[You Escaped!]
[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH](set: $searchlibrary2 to (a: "searched")) (set: $room2 to (a: "Library"))$name2 decides to investigate an [[empty shelf.]]
(set: $lib2 to (random: 1,2))(if: $lib2 is 1)[You investigate the empty shelf. It begins whispering to you. You lean in closer and find yourself engrossed by the sound. Suddenly the whispering turns into a loud shriek. You reel away in fear and find yourself wanting to leave the room as soon as possible.
(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 -2)Sanity -2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(elseif: $lib2 is 2)[You investigate the empty shelf. It begins whispering to you. You lean in closer and find yourself engrossed by the sound. You feel yourself beginning to transform physically. You feel invigorated but you're also starting to see the shadows move.
(set: $strength2 to $strength2 +2)(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 -1)Strength +2
Sanity -1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]](set: $searchkitchen3 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room3 to (a: "Kitchen"))$name3 is certain that this room will contain the most useful [[items.]]
(set: $kit3 to (random: 1,3))(set: $room3 to (a: "Courtyard"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $moves3 - 1) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[The courtyard is nicely decorated with a few plants hanging from windows and a large fountain resting in the center.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchcourt3 is 0)[[[Search the area -> Courtyard P3 search]]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> P3 Kitchen]]]
(elseif: $moves3 is 0)[(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]](if: $kit3 is 1)[You walk over to a cutting board and find a [[chef's knife]] sticking out of it.]
(elseif: $kit3 is 2)[You grab a pot and decide that you're going to make everyone a delicious meal. You rush around the kitchen and grab the large assortment of ingredients that are lying around. You call everyone to you and you all take a moment to share in a collective stress relieving moment.
(set: $sanity1 to $sanity1 +4)(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 +4)(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 +4)(set: $sanity4 to $sanity4 +4)Sanity +4 for everyone
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(elseif: $kit3 is 3)[You open the oven and find the corpse of a dog inside. You really could've done without seeing that.
(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 - 2)Sanity -2
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]The chef's knife is a weapon. You can only carry one at a time.
Description: “Hell hath no fury like a fondue burned.”
-Gordon Ramsay
Chef's Knife: Strength +2
[[Trade -> P3 Chef's knife]] $weapon3 for chef's knife
[[Don't Trade -> P3 Don't Trade]](set: $weapon3 to (a: "Chef's Knife"))(if: $weapon3 is (a: "Chef's Knife"))[(set: $strength3 to $strength3 +2)](else:)[(set: $strength3 to $strength3 -2)]$name3 Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]](set: $searchcourt3 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room3 to (a: "Courtyard"))You have two choices.
[[Search the fountain]]
[[Search the hanging plant]]The fountain is ornate and beautiful. You splash some of its water in your face. It invigorates you beyond belief.
(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 +1)(set: $strength3 to $strength3 +2)Sanity +1
Strength +2
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]You step over to the plant. It's vines seemingly come to life and [[grab you.]](set: $searchgbed2 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room2 to (a: "Guest Bedroom"))After careful observation $name1 determines they have only two options.
[[Search the wardrobe]]
[[Search the nightstand -> nightstand 2]]
(set: $war to (random: 1,2))(if: $war is 1)[You open the wardrobe and find a [[sweet hat.]]]
(elseif: $war is 2)[You open the wardrobe and are greeted by total darkness. You wonder if it's opened up a portal to a new land so you step inside. Once inside you realize that this isn't the way to Narnia, but just a dark and scary room. Shadows begin clustering over your head. Now they're beginning to chant something in Latin. You decide that this isn't worth sticking around for, so you make a hasty retreat out of the wardrobe.
(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 -2)Sanity -2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]](if: $strength2 >=3)[The nightstand is locked. You successfully pry it open with your sheer might. There is nothing inside but you are still riding an adrenaline high from the fight with the lock.
(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 +2)Sanity +2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(elseif: $strength2 < 3)[The nightstand is locked. You attempt to pry it open but your weak little baby arms are incapable of winning this battle.
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]The hat is an equipment item. You can only carry one at a time.
Description: |REDACTED|
Hat: Sanity +1
[[Trade -> P2 hat]] $equipment2 for hat
[[Don't Trade -> P2 Don't trade]] (set: $equipment2 to (a: "Hat"))(if: $equipment2 is (a: "Hat"))[(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 +1)](else:)[(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 -1)]$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]](if: $strength3 >= 3)[You manage to free yourself from the plant's grip. You think you'll avoid foliage from here on out.
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(elseif: $strength3 < 3)[You are unable to free yourself from the plant's grip. It slams you against the wall a few times before deciding that it's bored with you. You just got your ass kicked by a plant.
(set: $strength3 to $strength3 -1)(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -2)Strength -1
Sanity -2
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]](set: $searchup3 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room3 to (a: "Upstairs"))$name3 looks around and notices a [[chair]] that looks out of place.
(set: $up3 to (random: 1,2))(set: $room3 to (a: "Master Bedroom"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $moves3 - 1) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[(if: $smashed is 1)[The room is nicely decorated but for some reason the bed is destroyed.](if: $smashed < 1)[$name3 is amazed by the beauty of the room.]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchmbed3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P3 Master Bed]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Upstairs main area-> player 3 upstairs]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P3]]
[[Library -> Library P3]]]
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]](set: $room3 to (a: "Guest Bedroom"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $moves3 - 1) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[The guest room is cozy enough. There is a nice bed, a wardrobe, and a nightstand.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchgbed3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> p3 Guest search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P3]]
[[Library -> Library P3]]
[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 3 upstairs]]]
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]](set: $room3 to (a: "Library"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $moves3 - 1) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3 is right at home in the library.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchlibrary3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P3 search library]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 3 upstairs]]
[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P3]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P3]]]
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]](if: $up3 is 1)[You reach your hand into the cusion of the chair. You feel something brush against your finger. You grab it and pull it out to inspect it. It turns out to be a [[rabbit's foot.]]]
(elseif: $up3 is 2)[You reach your hand into the cusion of the chair. You feel something brush against your finger. You grab it and pull it out to inspect it. It turns out to be a tarantula. You freak out and throw it over your shoulder. The experience leaves you unnerved.
(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -1)Sanity -1
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]The rabbit's foot is an equipment item. You can only carry one at a time.
Description: Superstitious folk will tell that you these things will bring you good luck. What they don’t want to tell you is that you can actually use the foot of any animal to summon luck, good or bad.
“They call me Thumper”
Rabbit's Foot: Sanity +2
[[Trade -> Rabbit's foot]] $equipment3 for rabbit's foot
[[Don't Trade -> P3 Don't Trade]](set: $equipment3 to (a: "Rabbit's Foot"))(if: $equipment3 is (a: "Rabbit's Foot"))[(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 +2)](else:)[(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -2)]$name3 Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]](set: $room1 to (a: "Kitchen"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[So this is where the magic happens. $name1 is very unfamiliar with the art of culinary. They just assumed that food magically appeared whenever restaurant workers summoned it with their mind powers. The concept of cooking is just far too impossible for $name1 to properly conceive.
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(if: $searchkitchen1 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P1 search Kitchen]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Dining Room -> player 1 dining room T2]]
[[Living Room -> player 1 living room T2]]
[[Courtyard -> P1 Courtyard T2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]](set: $room1 to (a: "Foyer"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[Foyer
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Upstairs -> player 1 upstairs T2]]
[[Dining Room -> player 1 dining room T2]]
[[Living Room -> player 1 living room T2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(if: $key1 is 1 and $dime is 1 and $exit is 0)[[[Unlock the door ->[Unlock the door]]]
(if: $exit is 1)[[[Escape ->[Escape]]](set: $room1 to (a: "Dining room"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1 decides they want to take a stroll on into the dining room. An old table sits in the center of the room. $name1 sighs, "Boorrring..."
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(if: $searchdine1 is 0)[[[Search Room -> Search Dining Room P1]] (End Turn)]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for Key ->[Search for key 1]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> Kitchen P1T2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer P1T2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]](set: $room1 to (a: "Living room"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The living room is a large room with a firplace and several pieces of furniture resting in the center. As a student of feng shui, $name1 can tell you that this room is 88% good luck.
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(if: $searchlive1 is 0)[[[Search the room -> Search living room p1]] (End Turn)]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1) [[[Kitchen -> Kitchen P1T2]]
[[Study -> Studyp1T2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer P1T2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]](set: $room1 to (a: "Courtyard"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The courtyard is nicely decorated with a few plants hanging from windows and a large fountain resting in the center.
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(if: $searchcourt1 is 0)[[[Search the area -> Courtyard P1 search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> Kitchen P1T2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]](set: $room1 to (a: "Master Bedroom"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The master bedroom is quite exotic. It's a bit too exotic for $name1’s taste.
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(else:)[(if: $searchmbed1 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P1 Master Bed]]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Upstairs main area-> player 1 upstairs T2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest P1T2]]
[[Library -> Library P1T2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]](set: $room1 to (a: "Guest Bedroom"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The guest room is cozy enough. The bed is a good size and the wardrobe is an appreciated touch. It's the first room that $name1 doesn't find horrifically pretentious.
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(if: $searchgbed1 is 0)[[[Search the room -> p1 Guest search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom T2]]
[[Library -> Library P1T2]]
[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 1 upstairs T2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]](set: $room1 to (a: "Library"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1 has to face their age old enemy, READING. The sheer number of books in this room starts to make them feel physically ill.
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(if: $searchlibrary1 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P1 search library]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 1 upstairs T2]]
[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom T2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest P1T2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]](set: $room1 to (a: "Upstairs"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The upstairs leads to a long hallway that branches off into several rooms.
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(if: $searchup1 is 0)[[[Search the immediate area ->Search the immediate area]] (End Turn)]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom T2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest P1T2]]
[[Library -> Library P1T2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer P1T2]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]](set: $room1 to (a: "Study"))$name1 (set: $moves1 to $moves1 - 1) Weapon: $weapon1 Equipment: $equipment1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
Moves: $moves1
(if: $strength1 < 1 or $sanity1 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 1 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[The study is a fairly large room. It seems like a waste of space for just a desk and a few bookshelves.
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->Fight H Player 1]]]
(if: $searchstudy1 is 0)[[[Search the room -> Study P1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key1F]]]
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Living Room -> player 1 living room T2]]]
(if: $moves1 < 1 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[(if: $lab is 1)[The door to the lab is [[open]]]
(if: $lab is 0 and $counter > 5)[There is some kind of energy radiating from this room. [[Investigate]]]]](if: $room2 is (a: "Dining room"))[(set: $room2 to (a: "Dining room"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $speed2) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2 takes in the dining room. "It's just a table," they state.
(if: $searchdine2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P2 Dining room search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> P2 Kitchen]]
[[Foyer -> P2T1 Foyer]]]]
(elseif: $room2 is (a: "Kitchen"))[(set: $room2 to (a: "Kitchen"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $speed2) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[The kitchen is the fanciest one that $name2 has ever seen.
(if: $searchkitchen2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P2 Kitchen Search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Dining Room -> player 2 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 2 living room]]
[[Courtyard -> P2 Courtyard]]]]
(elseif: $room2 is (a: "Courtyard"))[(set: $room2 to (a: "Courtyard"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $speed2) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[The courtyard is nicely decorated with a few plants hanging from windows and a large fountain resting in the center.
(if: $searchcourt2 is 0)[[[Search the area -> Courtyard P2 search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> P2 Kitchen]]]]
(elseif: $room2 is (a: "Upstairs"))[(set: $room2 to (a: "Upstairs"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $speed2) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[The upstairs leads to a long hallway that branches off into several rooms.
(if: $searchup2 is 0)[[[Search the immediate area -> Upstairs P2]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P2]]
[[Library -> Library P2]]
[[Foyer -> P2T1 Foyer]]]]
(elseif: $room2 is (a: "Master Bedroom"))[(set: $room2 to (a: "Master Bedroom"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $speed2) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[(if: $smashed is 1)[The room is nicely decorated but for some reason the bed is destroyed.](if: $smashed < 1)[$name2 is amazed by the beauty of the room.]
(if: $searchmbed2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P2 Master Bed]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Upstairs main area-> player 2 upstairs]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P2]]
[[Library -> Library P2]]]]
(elseif: $room2 is (a: "Foyer"))[$name2 (set: $moves2 to $speed2)(set: $room2 to (a: "Foyer")) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[(if: $turn is 0)[$name2 returns to the foyer and awkwardly avoids eye contact with $name3.]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[Foyer]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Upstairs -> player 2 upstairs]]
[[Dining Room -> player 2 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 2 living room]]]
(if: $key2 is 1 and $dime is 1 and $exit is 0)[[[Unlock the door -> Unlock 2]]]
(if: $exit is 1)[[[Escape -> Escape 2]]]]]
(elseif: $room2 is (a: "Guest Bedroom"))[(set: $room2 to (a: "Guest Bedroom"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $speed2) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[The guest room is cozy enough. There is a nice bed, a wardrobe, and a nightstand.
(if: $searchgbed2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> p2 Guest search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P2]]
[[Library -> Library P2]]
[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 2 upstairs]]]]
(elseif: $room2 is (a: "Library"))[(set: $room2 to (a: "Library"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $speed2) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2 is impressed by the architecture of the library. It's definitely fancier than the public library.
(if: $searchlibrary2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P2 search library]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 2 upstairs]]
[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P2]]]]
(elseif: $room2 is (a: "Living room"))[(set: $room2 to (a: "Living room"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $speed2) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2 steps into the living room. "Cozy," they think.
(if: $searchlive2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> Search living room p2]] (End Turn)]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2]]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1) [[[Kitchen -> P2 Kitchen]]
[[Study -> Studyp2]]
[[Foyer -> P2T1 Foyer]]]
(elseif: $moves2 is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]]
(elseif: $room2 is (a: "Study"))[(set: $room2 to (a: "Study"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $speed2) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[The study is a fairly large room. It seems like a waste of space for just a desk and a few bookshelves.
(if: $searchstudy2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> Study P2]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Living Room -> player 2 living room]]
(if: $room2 is (a: "Lab"))[(set: $moves2 to $speed2)You've returned to your dimension. It's time to get the hell out of here.
[[Study -> Studyp3]]]]]
(if: $room2 is (a: "Escaped"))[You Escaped!]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]
(if: $room2 is (a: "Dead"))[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $room2 is (a: "Escaped"))[[[You Escaped! ->The Haunting's turn]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH](set: $searchlive2 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room2 to (a: "Living room"))Instead of searching, $name2 decides to prop their feet up on the [[couch.]]
(set: $live2 to (random: 1,3))(set: $room2 to (a: "Study"))$name2 (set: $moves2 to $moves2 - 1) Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
Moves: $moves2
(if: $strength2 < 1 or $sanity2 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[The study is a fairly large room. It seems like a waste of space for just a desk and a few bookshelves.
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH ->[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $searchstudy2 is 0)[[[Search the room -> Study P2]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key2F]]]]
(if: $moves2 > 0 and $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[[[Living Room -> player 2 living room]]]
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[(if: $lab is 1)[The door to the lab is [[open -> O2]]]
(if: $lab is 0 and $counter > 5)[There is some kind of energy radiating from this room. [[Investigate -> I2]]]](if: $live2 is 1)[You sit back and relax for a bit. The quiet time is good for your soul, but it also makes you realize something. You left the water on at home. Also, your cat died in you're bedroom and you didn't remove its carcass before leaving on this trip. That's going to smell terrible when you get back.
(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 + 1)Sanity +1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(elseif: $live2 is 2)[You attempt to sit back and relax but unfortunately you find that the cushion is very uncomfortable. Frustrated, you remove the cushion. Underneath you discover the corpse of $name1. Confused, you poke the corpse and it immediately liquifies and then turns into black smoke before evaporating away forever. This is an experience you will choose to repress from here on out.
(set: $sanity to $sanity - 1)Sanity -1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(elseif: $live2 is 3)[You attempt to sit back and relax but unfortunately you find that the cushion is very uncomfortable. Frustrated, you remove the cushion. There is nothing underneath as you had inspected. Instead, it would seem that the cusion itself is just [[extremely stiff.]]](if: $room3 is (a: "Dining room"))[(set: $room3 to (a: "Dining room"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $speed3) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3 takes in the dining room. There is a fine mahogany table at the center of the room.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchdine3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P3 Dining room search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> P3 Kitchen]]
[[Foyer -> P3T1 Foyer]]]
(elseif: $moves3 is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]]
(elseif: $room3 is (a: "Kitchen"))[(set: $room3 to (a: "Kitchen"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $speed3) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[The kitchen is certainly a site to see. $name3 is actually quite the chef themself.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchkitchen3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P3 Kitchen Search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Dining Room -> player 3 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 3 living room]]
[[Courtyard -> P3 Courtyard]]]
(elseif: $moves3 is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]]
(elseif: $room3 is (a: "Courtyard"))[(set: $room3 to (a: "Courtyard"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $speed3) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[The courtyard is nicely decorated with a few plants hanging from windows and a large fountain resting in the center.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchcourt3 is 0)[[[Search the area -> Courtyard P3 search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> P3 Kitchen]]]
(elseif: $moves3 is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]]
(elseif: $room3 is (a: "Upstairs"))[(set: $room3 to (a: "Upstairs"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $speed3) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[The upstairs leads to a long hallway that branches off into several rooms.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchup3 is 0)[[[Search the immediate area -> Upstairs P3]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P3]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P3]]
[[Library -> Library P3]]
[[Foyer -> P3T1 Foyer]]]
(elseif: $moves3 is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]]
(elseif: $room3 is (a: "Master Bedroom"))[(set: $room3 to (a: "Master Bedroom"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $speed3) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[(if: $smashed is 1)[The room is nicely decorated but for some reason the bed is destroyed.](if: $smashed < 1)[$name3 is amazed by the beauty of the room.]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchmbed3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P3 Master Bed]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Upstairs main area-> player 3 upstairs]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P3]]
[[Library -> Library P3]]]
(elseif: $moves3 is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]]
(elseif: $room3 is (a: "Foyer"))[$name3 (set: $moves3 to $speed3) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $move3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3 returns to the foyer and wonders why everyone is taking turns moving around the house instead of just searching together.]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Upstairs -> player 3 upstairs]]
[[Dining Room -> player 3 dining room]]
[[Living Room -> player 3 living room]]]
(if: $moves3 < 1 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $key3 is 1 and $dime is 1 and $exit is 0)[[[Unlock the door -> Unlock 3]]]
(if: $exit is 1)[[[Escape -> Escape 3]]]]
(set: $room3 to (a: "Foyer"))]
(elseif: $room3 is (a: "Guest Bedroom"))[(set: $room3 to (a: "Guest Bedroom"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $speed3) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 2 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[The guest room is cozy enough. There is a nice bed, a wardrobe, and a nightstand.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchgbed3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> p3 Guest search]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P3]]
[[Library -> Library P3]]
[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 3 upstairs]]]
(elseif: $moves3 is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]]
(elseif: $room3 is (a: "Library"))[(set: $room3 to (a: "Library"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $speed3) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3 is right at home in the library.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight H P2]]]
(if: $searchlibrary3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> P3 search library]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Upstairs Main Area -> player 3 upstairs]]
[[Master Bedroom -> MBed P3]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest Bedroom P3]]]
(elseif: $moves3 < 1)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]]
(elseif: $room3 is (a: "Living room"))[(set: $room3 to (a: "Living room"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $speed3) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3 steps into the living room. It's ornately designed. No doubt $name1 would have some bullshit feng shui "fact" about this room they’d like to spout off for attention.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchlive3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> Search living room p3]] (End Turn)]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1) [[[Kitchen -> P3 Kitchen]]
[[Study -> Studyp3]]
[[Foyer -> P3T1 Foyer]]]
(elseif: $moves3 is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]]
(elseif: $room3 is (a: "Study"))[(set: $room3 to (a: "Study"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $speed3) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[The study is a fairly large room. $name3 easily deduces that there is something in here waiting to be found.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchstudy3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> Study P3]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Living Room -> player 3 living room]]]
(elseif: $moves3 is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]]
(if: $room3 is (a: "Lab"))[(set: $moves3 to $speed3)(if: $dime is 0)[You deduce that this is some kind of temporal rift device. It's functions aren't quite known to you yet but you theorise that it might open a gateway to another dimension.](elseif: $dime is 1)[You've returned to your own dimension. It's time to get out.]
[[Study -> Studyp3]]]
(if: $room3 is (a: "Dead"))[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $room3 is (a: "Escaped"))[[[You Escaped! ->The Haunting's turn]]]
[[Next Player ->The Haunting's turn]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH]The stiff cushion is a weapon. You can only carry one at a time.
Description: I don’t really know what to say about this one. I can’t tell whether I should compliment you on your ingenuity or insult you for your insanity on account of you actually considering this as a viable option.
Cushion: Strength +3 Sanity -1
[[Trade -> Cushion P2]] $weapon2 for cushion
[[Don't Trade -> P2 Don't trade]](set: $weapon2 to (a: "Cushion"))(if: $weapon2 is (a: "Cushion"))[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 +3)(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 - 1)](else:)[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 -3)(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 + 1)]$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]](set: $searchstudy2 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room2 to (a: "Study"))There are really only two options here.
[[Search the bookshelves -> Book 2]]
[[Search the desk -> Desk 2]]
(set: $study2 to (random: 1,2))(if: $study2 is 1)[You walk over to inspect the bookshelves but in retaliation they start hurling books at you. You are beaten and bludgeoned by the physical manifestations of knowledge.
(set: $strength to $strength -2)Strength -2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]
(elseif: $study2 is 2)[You investigate the bookshelves closely and are taken aback when you realize that one of the [[books]] is glowing.](if: $study2 is 1)[You take a seat at the desk, but the little [[potted cactus]] catches your eye.]
(elseif: $study2 is 2)[You start rummaging through the drawers of the desk, but unfortunately you slam one shut on your finger. This discourages you from searching further.
(set: $strength2 to $strength2 -1)Strength -1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]]The potted cactus is a weapon. You can only carry one at a time.
Description: This cute little cactus will be sure to keep your nerves calm while also skewering your enemies.
"Mark my words. One day my people will rise up and take back our homeland!"
-Some crazy nutjob wearing a cactus costume
Cactus: Strength +1 Sanity +1
[[Trade -> Cactus P2]] $weapon2 for cactus
[[Don't Trade -> P2 Don't trade]](set: $weapon2 to (a: "Cactus"))(if: $weapon2 is (a: "Cactus"))[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 +1)(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 + 1)](else:)[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 -1)(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 - 1)]$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]The book is an equipment item. You can only carry one at a time.
Description: This book appears to grant you immense strength but also saps you of your mental acuity.
Magic Book: Strength +5 Sanity -3
[[Trade -> Book p2]] $weapon2 for magic book
[[Don't Trade -> P2 Don't trade]](set: $weapon2 to (a: "Magic Book"))(if: $weapon2 is (a: "Magic Book"))[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 +5)(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 - 3)](else:)[(set: $strength2 to $strength2 -5)(set: $sanity2 to $sanity2 + 3)]$name2 Weapon: $weapon2 Equipment: $equipment2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]](set: $searchlive3 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room3 to (a: "Living room"))The studious $name3 knew that clues may very well reside upon the [[mantle above the fireplace.]]
(set: $live3 to (random: 1,3))(set: $room3 to (a: "Study"))$name3 (set: $moves3 to $moves3 - 1) Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
Moves: $moves3
(if: $strength3 < 1 or $sanity3 < 1)[[[Dead -> player 3 dead]]]
(elseif: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[The study is a fairly large room. $name3 easily deduces that there is something in here waiting to be found.
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $nameH -> Fight H P3]]]
(if: $searchstudy3 is 0)[[[Search the room -> Study P3]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Search for key -> Key3F]]]
(if: $moves3 > 0 and $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[[[Living Room -> player 3 living room]]]
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[(if: $lab is 1)[The door to the lab is [[open -> O3]]]
(if: $lab is 0 and $counter > 5)[There is some kind of energy radiating from this room. [[Investigate -> I3]]]](if: $live3 is 1)[You look at the assortment of photos on the mantle. They all seem fairly normal except for one. There is something strange about the family portrait. It seems unnecessarily grainy. You lean in and take a closer look. There is a mother and a father along with four children. The oldest and youngest appear to be the sons while the middle children seem to be twin sisters. Suddenly the picture distorts a bit. The faces of the family members begin to darken into black blots. All except for the youngest son. You hear several whispers saying “haunting” over and over again. And just like that, the noise stops. The portrait is back to normal.
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(elseif: $live3 is 2)[You take a glimpse at the mantle, hoping to find a fire poker but with no luck. Instead you happen upon a fine bottle of wine. “No harm in taking the edge off,” you think to yourself.
(set: $strength3 to$strength3 -1)(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 +1)Strength -1 Sanity +1
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(elseif: $live3 is 3)[You get a good look at the mantle and find a [[picture of an adorable puppy.]]]The puppy pic is an equipment item. You can only carry one at a time.
Description: It’s not a practical tool by any means, but it will certainly help raise your morale. You may be asking yourself where that dog is now, but honestly it’s probably best not to think about it.
Pup Pic: Sanity +3
[[Trade -> Picture P3]] $equipment3 for pup pic
[[Don't Trade -> P3 Don't Trade]](set: $equipment3 to (a: "Pup Pic"))(if: $equipment3 is (a: "Pup Pic"))[(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 +3)](else:)[(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -3)]$name3 Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]](set: $searchstudy3 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room3 to (a: "Study"))There are two places that could contain something useful.
[[Search the bookshelves -> Book 3]]
[[Search the desk -> desk 3]](if: $sanity3 >= 8)[You carefully inspect the bookshelf. One of the books appears to be unlike the others. You pull on it and reveal [[a secret passage.]]]
(elseif: $sanity3 < 8)[You inspect the bookshelf but are unable to find anything unusual about it.
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]](if: $sanity3 >= 8)[You carefully inspect the desk and discover a button underneath. You push it to reveal [[a secret passage.]]]
(elseif: $sanity3 < 8)[You search the desk and uncover a file. Most of the information is blacked out and the remaining space on the paper is taken up by vague, incoherent drawings and ramblings. What does stand out is the name printed on the outside of the folder: “The Haunting.”
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]](set: $room3 to (a: "Lab"))The passage leads down a long hallway and eventually opens up into a laboratory. A large metallic, cylindrical device sits in the center of the room. It’s radiating with energy. You decide to take your time and look for clues as to what is going on here.
(set: $lab to 1)
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]](set: $searchlibrary3 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room3 to (a: "Library"))$name3 decides to take a stroll over to the [[fiction section.]]
(set: $lib3 to (random: 1,3))(if: $lib3 is 1)[You pick up one of the novels and begin reading. It doesn't take long for you to realize that this particular novel is based on a true story. The lie leaves you feeling betrayed.
(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 - 2)Sanity -2
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(elseif: $lib3 is 2)[You pick up a novel and begin reading. It’s a thrilling story about a college student who got lost on his way to class.
(set: $sanity to $sanity +2)Sanity +2
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(elseif: $lib3 is 3)[You scan the sections and something peculiar catches your eye. Upon closer inspection you realize that it’s a [[stress ball.]]]
The stress ball is an equipment item. You can only carry one at a time.
Description: Using revolutionary squishy technology, you can now squeeze your frustrations away!
“It keeps me from murdering the team at Oxiclean. They won’t leave me alone!”
-Billy Mays
Stress Ball: Sanity +3
[[Trade -> Stress ball P3]] $equipment3 for stress ball
[[Don't Trade]](set: $equipment3 to (a: "Stress Ball"))(if: $equipment3 is (a: "Stress Ball"))[(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 +3)](else:)[(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -3)]$name3 Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]](set: $searchmbed3 to (a: "searched"))(set: $room3 to (a: "Master Bedroom"))$name3 walks over to search the [[closet.]]
(set: $mbed3 to (random: 1,3))(if: $mbed3 is 1)[You step into the walk-in closet. The door shuts behind you without your permission. You attempt to open it but it won't budge. The room is engulfed in darkeness. Whispers break the loud silence and begin to penetrate your ears. You hear the word "haunting" several times. The word starts to claw its way into your mind. Before you can fall victim to the endless noise you rush at the closet door and break its hinges to escape.
(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 - 3)Sanity -3
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(elseif: $mbed3 is 2)[You step into the walk-in closet. You flip the lightswitch and [[illuminate the dark room.]]]
(elseif: $mbed3 is 3)[(if: $sanity3 >= 4)[Your clairvoyance pays off as you discover a [[flashlight. -> Flashlight P3]]]](elseif: $sanity3 < 4)[You find nothing of use.
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
The light blinds you for a moment. When your vision returns it reveals a [[gun safe.]]The flashlight is an equipment item. You can only have one piece of equipment at a time. You may switch a piece of equipment for another if you stumble upon one.
Description: Through the power of stored electricity, man has found a way to harness the power of God and create light.
Flashlight: Sanity +2
[[Swap ->Flash P3]] $equipment3 for flashlight
[[Don't swap]](set: $equipment3 to (a: "Flashlight"))(if: $equipment3 is (a:"Flashlight"))[(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 +2)]
(else:)[(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -2)]$name3 Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]](if: $sanity3 >= 5)[You take a look around the room and your clairvoyance pays off when you discover the key. You open the safe to find a [[hunting rifle.]]]
(elseif: $sanity3 < 5)[You take a look around the room but you are not clairvoyant enough to find where the key is hidden.
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]] The rifle is a weapon. You can only carry one weapon at a time.
Description. This bad boy is the descendent of the crossbow. You point at something. Pull the trigger. The gun goes bang. The thing you were pointing at drops motionless.
“You’re telling me this thing is like a cannon, but I can carry it around on my back?”
-Lee Harvey Oswald
Rifle: Strength +4
[[Trade -> Rifle]] $weapon3 for Rifle
[[Don't Trade -> P3 Don't Trade]](set: $weapon3 to (a: "Rifle"))(if: $weapon3 is (a: "Rifle"))[(set: $strength3 to $strength3 +4)](else:)[(set: $strength3 to $strength3 -4)]$name3 Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]](set: $searchgbed3 to (a: "searched")) (set: $room3 to (a: "Guest Bedroom"))(if: $sanity3 >= 8)[$name3 takes a look around the room. The obvious choice would be to search the wardrobe, but $name3 has a sneaking suspicion that something better resides under the matress.
[[Search the wardrobe -> wardrobe P3]]
[[Search the matress]]]
(elseif: $sanity3 < 8)[$name3 takes a look around and it seems the only logical place to search is the [[wardrobe.]]
(set: $gbed3 to (random: 1, 3))]You open up the wardrobe and you find really nice pair of shoes. You decide to strap those bad boys on and suddenly you feel like you're floating.
(set: $speed3 to $speed3 +1)Speed +1
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]You pull the matress off the bed and underneath you discover a [[stone with strange carvings]] on it.(if: $gbed3 is 1)[You open up the wardrobe. You poke your head inside to try and find anything useful. As you lean in something inside the wardrobe grabs you and pull you inside. The doors slams shut and everything is pitch black. The creature pounces on you and begins to [[bash and claw at you.]]]
(elseif: $gbed3 is 2)[You take a peak inside of the wardrobe and discover a hidden stash of chocolate. Don't mind if you do.
(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 +2)Sanity +2
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(elseif: $gbed3 is 3)[As soon as you open the wardrobe you are enguled by a puff of black smoke. You cough it out of your lungs and suddenly you feel strangely exhilarated, if not a little light headed.
(set: $strength3 to $strength3 +2)(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -1)Strength +2
Sanity -1
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]The stone is an equipment item. You can only carry one at a time.
Description: There is a strange aura around this stone. The carvings appear to start glowing if you look at it for too long.
Stone: Strength +3 Sanity +2
[[Trade -> Stone P3]] $equipment3 for stone
[[Don't Trade -> P3 Don't Trade]](set: $equipment3 to (a: "Stone"))(if: $equipment3 is (a: "Stone"))[(set: $strength3 to $strength3 +3)(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 +2)](else:)[(set: $strength3 to $strength3 -3)(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -2)]$name3 Weapon: $weapon3 Equipment: $equipment3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]](if: $strength3 >= 4)[You barely manage to fight the creature off and escape the clutches of the wardrobe. You mental may be a little worse for wear though.
(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -3)Sanity -3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(elseif: $strength3 < 4)[You are unable to fight the creature off, but by the grace of your wits you manage to escape its grasp just long enough to find the exit of the wardrobe.
(set: $strength3 to $strength3 -1)(set: $sanity3 to $sanity3 -3)Strength -1
Sanity -3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]](set: $haunt to 1)(set: $strengthH to (random: 8,12))(set: $sanityH to (random: 2,4))(set: $speedH to 1)(set: $nameH to (a: "The Haunting"))(set: $roomH to (a: "Foyer"))The walls of the house begin to rumble. It feels like the whole earth is moving beneath your feet. Suddenly a flash of light engulfs the whole house. The survivors stare out the window and discover they’re not on earth anymore. The sky is a bright purple and the grass a shade of turquoise. This is The Haunting’s dimension. He is now awake and coming for you. In order to survive you must find the dimensional portal to return home. Once you’ve returned to your dimension you must escape through the foyer, but bear in mind that the door will be locked. You must find a key.
[[The Haunting's turn]]
(if: $roomH is (a: "Foyer"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $speedH)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Foyer]
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Upstairs -> player H upstairs T2]]
[[Dining Room -> player H dining room T2]]
[[Living Room -> player H living room T2]]]
(elseif: $movesH < 1 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(set: $roomH to (a: "Foyer"))]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Dining room"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $speedH)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Dining Room
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> Kitchen PHT2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer PHT2]]]]]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Kitchen"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $speedH)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Kitchen
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Dining Room -> player H dining room T2]]
[[Living Room -> player H living room T2]]
[[Courtyard -> PH Courtyard T2]]]]
(elseif: $movesH is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Courtyard"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $speedH)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Courtyard
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> Kitchen PHT2]]]]
(elseif: $movesH is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Upstairs"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $speedH)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Upstairs]
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom HT2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest PHT2]]
[[Library -> Library PHT2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer PHT2]]]
(elseif: $movesH is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Master Bedroom"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $speedH)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Master Bedroom]
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Upstairs main area-> player H upstairs T2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest PHT2]]
[[Library -> Library PHT2]]]
(elseif: $movesH is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Guest Bedroom"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $speedH)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Guest Bedroom
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom HT2]]
[[Library -> Library PHT2]]
[[Upstairs Main Area -> player H upstairs T2]]]]
(elseif: $movesH is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Library"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $speedH)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Library
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Upstairs Main Area -> player H upstairs T2]]
[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom HT2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest PHT2]]]]
(elseif: $movesH is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Living room"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $speedH)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Living Room
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1) [[[Kitchen -> Kitchen PHT2]]
[[Study -> StudypHT2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer PHT2]]]]
(elseif: $movesH is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Study"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $speedH)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Study
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Living Room -> player H living room T2]]]]]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Dazed"))[[[Dazed ->[DAZED]]]
(elseif: $roomH is (a: "Dead"))[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH]
(if: $p1dead is 1 and $p2dead is 1 and $p3dead is 1)[[[All Players Defeated]]]
(if: $room1 is (a: "Escaped") and $room2 is (a: "Escaped") and $room3 is (a: "Escaped"))[[[All players escaped! ->Endgame]]
(if: $p1dead is 1 and $p2dead is 1 and $room3 is (a: "Escaped"))[[Endgame]]]
(if: $p1dead is 1 and $room2 is (a: "Escaped") and $room3 is (a: "Escaped"))[[[Endgame]]]
(if: $p1dead is 1 and $room2 is (a: "Escaped") and $p3dead is 1)[[[Endgame]]]
(if: $room1 is (a: "Escaped") and $p2dead is 1 and $room3 is (a: "Escaped"))[[[Endgame]]]
(if: $room1 is (a: "Escaped") and $p2dead is 1 and $p3dead is 1)[[[Endgame]]]
(if: $room1 is (a: "Escaped") and $room2 is (a: "Escaped") and $p3dead is 1)[[[Endgame]]](if: $dime is 0)[[[DAZED ->[DAZED]]]
(if: $dime is 1)[(set: $Hdead to 1)The haunting has been defeated!
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
$nameH (set: $movesH to $movesH -1)(set: $roomH to (a: "Dining room"))
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Dining Room
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> Kitchen PHT2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer PHT2]]]]
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH](set: $roomH to (a: "Living room"))$nameH (set: $movesH to $movesH -1)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Living Room
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1) [[[Kitchen -> Kitchen PHT2]]
[[Study -> StudypHT2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer PHT2]]]]
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH]$nameH (set: $movesH to $movesH - 1)(set: $roomH to (a: "Kitchen"))
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Kitchen
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Dining Room -> player H dining room T2]]
[[Living Room -> player H living room T2]]
[[Courtyard -> PH Courtyard T2]]]]
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH](if: $roomH is (a: "Foyer"))[$nameH (set: $movesH to $movesH - 1)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Foyer]
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Upstairs -> player H upstairs T2]]
[[Dining Room -> player H dining room T2]]
[[Living Room -> player H living room T2]]]]
(set: $roomH to (a: "Foyer"))[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH](set: $roomH to (a: "Courtyard"))$nameH (set: $movesH to $movesH -1)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Courtyard
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Kitchen -> Kitchen PHT2]]]]
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH](set: $roomH to (a: "Master Bedroom"))$nameH (set: $movesH to $movesH -1)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Master Bedroom]
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Upstairs main area-> player H upstairs T2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest PHT2]]
[[Library -> Library PHT2]]]
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH](set: $roomH to (a: "Guest Bedroom"))$nameH (set: $movesH to $movesH -1)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Guest Bedroom
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom HT2]]
[[Library -> Library PHT2]]
[[Upstairs Main Area -> player H upstairs T2]]]]
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH](set: $roomH to (a: "Library"))$nameH (set: $movesH to $movesH -1)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Library
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Upstairs Main Area -> player H upstairs T2]]
[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom HT2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest PHT2]]]]
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH](set: $roomH to (a: "Upstairs"))$nameH (set: $movesH to $movesH -1)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Upstairs]
(if: $movesH > 0 and $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[[[Master Bedroom ->[Master Bedroom HT2]]
[[Guest Bedroom -> Guest PHT2]]
[[Library -> Library PHT2]]
[[Foyer -> Foyer PHT2]]]
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH](set: $roomH to (a: "Study"))$nameH (set: $movesH to $movesH -1)
Speed:$speedH Strength:$strengthH Sanity:$sanityH
Moves: $movesH
(if: $strengthH < 1 or $sanityH < 1)[[[Dead -> player H dead]]]
(elseif: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[Study
(if: $moves1 > 0 and $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[[[Living Room -> player H living room T2]]]]
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]
(if: $room1 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name1 ->Fight 1]]]
(if: $room2 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name2 ->[Fight 2]]]
(if: $room3 is $roomH)[[[Fight $name3 ->Fight 3]]]
(if: $strength1 >= 1 and $sanity1 >= 1)[$name1: $room1]
(if: $strength2 >= 1 and $sanity2 >= 1)[$name2: $room2]
(if: $strength3 >= 1 and $sanity3 >= 1)[$name3: $room3]
(if: $strengthH >= 1 and $sanityH >= 1)[$nameH: $roomH]$name1 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed1 vs $speedH Strength:$strength1 vs $strengthH Sanity: $sanity1 vs $sanityH
[[Attack -> Haunting attack P1]]
(set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)$name2 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed2 vs $speedH Strength:$strength2 vs $strengthH Sanity: $sanity2 vs $sanityH
[[Attack -> Haunting attack P2]]
(set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)$name3 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed3 vs $speedH Strength:$strength3 vs $strengthH Sanity: $sanity3 vs $sanityH
[[Attack -> Haunting attack P3]]
(set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)$name2 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed2 vs $speedH Strength:$strength2 vs $strengthH Sanity: $sanity2 vs $sanityH
[[Attack -> Haunting defend P2]]
(set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)$name3 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed3 vs $speedH Strength:$strength3 vs $strengthH Sanity: $sanity3 vs $sanityH
[[Attack -> Haunting Defend P3]]
(set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)$name1 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed1 vs $speedH Strength:$strength1 vs $strengthH Sanity: $sanity1 vs $sanityH
[[Attack -> attack P1]]
(set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)(set: $displayA to 0)(set: $displayD to 0)(set: $damage to 0)(if: $strengthH >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayA to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name1 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed1 vs $speedH Strength:$strength1 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity1 vs $sanityH
Attack Roll: $displayA
[[Next Phase]](set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)(if: $sanity1 >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity1 >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayD to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name1 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed1 vs $speedH Strength:$strength1 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity1 vs $sanityH
Defense Roll: $displayD
[[Result]](set: $damage to ($displayA - $displayD))(if: $damage >= 1)[(set: $strength1 to ($strength1 - $damage)) Damage Dealt: $damage
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(elseif: $damage is < 1)[[[No damage -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $strength1 is < 1)[(set: $room1 to (a: "Dead"))](set: $displayA to 0)(set: $displayD to 0)(set: $damage to 0)(if: $strengthH >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayA to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name2 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed2 vs $speedH Strength:$strength2 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity2 vs $sanityH
Attack Roll: $displayA
[[Next Phase -> P2]](set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)(if: $sanity2 >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity2 >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayD to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name2 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed2 vs $speedH Strength:$strength2 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity2 vs $sanityH
Defense Roll: $displayD
[[Result -> Result P2D]](set: $damage to ($displayA - $displayD))(if: $damage >= 1)[(set: $strength2 to ($strength2 - $damage)) Damage Dealt: $damage
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(elseif: $damage is < 1)[[[No damage -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $strength2 is < 1)[(set: $room2 to (a: "Dead"))](set: $displayA to 0)(set: $displayD to 0)(set: $damage to 0)(if: $strengthH >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strengthH >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayA to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name3 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed3 vs $speedH Strength:$strength3 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity3 vs $sanityH
Attack Roll: $displayA
[[Next Phase -> P3]](set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)(if: $sanity3 >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanity3 >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayD to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name3 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed3 vs $speedH Strength:$strength3 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity3 vs $sanityH
Defense Roll: $displayD
[[Result -> Result P3D]](set: $damage to ($displayA - $displayD))(if: $damage >= 1)[(set: $strength3 to ($strength3 - $damage)) Damage Dealt: $damage
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(elseif: $damage is < 1)[[[No damage -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $strength3 is < 1)[(set: $room3 to (a: "Dead"))](set: $displayA to 0)(set: $displayD to 0)(set: $damage to 0)(if: $strength1 >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength1 >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayA to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name1 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed1 vs $speedH Strength:$strength1 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity1 vs $sanityH
Attack Roll: $displayA
[[Next Phase -> Next phase P1]](set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)(if: $sanityH >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayD to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name1 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed1 vs $speedH Strength:$strength1 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity1 vs $sanityH
Defense Roll: $displayD
[[Result -> P1A]](set: $damage to ($displayA - $displayD))(if: $damage >= 1)[(set: $strengthH to ($strengthH - $damage)) Damage Dealt: $damage
Speed: $speedH Strength: $strengthH Sanity: $sanityH
[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]]]
(elseif: $damage is < 1)[(set: $sanity1 to ($sanity1 + $damage))Damage Dealt: $damage
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
[[No damage -> Next P2T2]]]
(if: $strengthH < 1)[(if: $dime is 1)[(set: $roomH to (a: "Dead"))](if: $dime is 0)[(set: $roomH to (a: "Dazed"))]]
(if: $sanity1 is < 1)[(set: $room1 to (a: "Dead"))](set: $displayA to 0)(set: $displayD to 0)(set: $damage to 0)(if: $strength2 >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength2 >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayA to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name2 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed2 vs $speedH Strength:$strength2 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity2 vs $sanityH
Attack Roll: $displayA
[[Next Phase -> Attack Phase P2]](set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)(if: $sanityH >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayD to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name2 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed2 vs $speedH Strength:$strength2 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity2 vs $sanityH
Defense Roll: $displayD
[[Result -> P2A]](set: $damage to ($displayA - $displayD))(if: $damage >= 1)[(set: $strengthH to ($strengthH - $damage)) Damage Dealt: $damage
Speed: $speedH Strength: $strengthH Sanity: $sanityH
[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]]
(elseif: $damage is < 1)[(set: $sanity2 to ($sanity2 + $damage))Damage Dealt: $damage
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
[[No damage -> Player 3 T2]]]
(if: $strengthH < 1)[(if: $dime is 1)[(set: $roomH to (a: "Dead"))](if: $dime is 0)[(set: $roomH to (a: "Dazed"))]]
(if: $sanity2 is < 1)[(set: $room2 to (a: "Dead"))](set: $displayA to 0)(set: $displayD to 0)(set: $damage to 0)(if: $strength3 >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $strength3 >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayA to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name3 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed3 vs $speedH Strength:$strength3 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity3 vs $sanityH
Attack Roll: $displayA
[[Next Phase -> P3A]](set: $die1 to 0)(set: $die2 to 0)(set: $die3 to 0)(set: $die4 to 0)(set: $die5 to 0)(set: $die6 to 0)(set: $die7 to 0)(set: $die8 to 0)(set: $die9 to 0)(set: $die10 to 0)(set: $die11 to 0)(set: $die12 to 0)(set: $die13 to 0)(set: $die14 to 0)(set: $die15 to 0)(set: $die16 to 0)(set: $die17 to 0)(set: $die18 to 0)(set: $die19 to 0)(set: $die20 to 0)(set: $die21 to 0)(set: $die22 to 0)(set: $die23 to 0)(set: $die24 to 0)(set: $die25 to 0)(set: $die26 to 0)(set: $die27 to 0)(set: $die28 to 0)(set: $die29 to 0)(set: $die30 to 0)(if: $sanityH >= 1)[(set: $die1 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 2)[(set: $die2 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 3)[(set: $die3 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 4)[(set: $die4 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 5)[(set: $die5 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 6)[(set: $die6 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 7)[(set: $die7 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 8)[(set: $die8 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 9)[(set: $die9 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 10)[(set: $die10 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 11)[(set: $die11 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 12)[(set: $die12 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 13)[(set: $die13 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 14)[(set: $die14 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 15)[(set: $die15 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 16)[(set: $die16 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 17)[(set: $die17 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 18)[(set: $die18 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 19)[(set: $die19 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 20)[(set: $die20 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 21)[(set: $die21 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 22)[(set: $die22 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 23)[(set: $die23 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 24)[(set: $die24 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 25)[(set: $die25 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 26)[(set: $die26 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 27)[(set: $die27 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 28)[(set: $die28 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 29)[(set: $die29 to (random: 0,2))](if: $sanityH >= 30)[(set: $die30 to (random: 0,2))](set: $displayD to ($die1 + $die2 + $die3 + $die4 + $die5 + $die6 + $die7 + $die8 + $die9 + $die10 + $die11 + $die12 + $die13 + $die14 + $die15))$name3 vs $nameH
Speed:$speed3 vs $speedH Strength:$strength3 vs $strengthH Sanity:$sanity3 vs $sanityH
Defense Roll: $displayD
[[Result -> P3A Result]](set: $damage to ($displayA - $displayD))(if: $damage >= 1)[(set: $strengthH to ($strengthH - $damage)) Damage Dealt: $damage
Speed: $speedH Strength: $strengthH Sanity: $sanityH
[[[Next Player ->The Haunting's turn]]]]
(elseif: $damage is < 1)[(set: $sanity3 to ($sanity3 + $damage))Damage Dealt: $damage
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
[[No damage ->The Haunting's turn]]]
(if: $strengthH < 1)[(if: $dime is 1)[(set: $roomH to (a: "Dead"))](if: $dime is 0)[(set: $roomH to (a: "Dazed"))]]
(if: $sanity3 is < 1)[(set: $room3 to (a: "Dead"))](set: $key1 to 1)You go back to the crack in the wall and pray for some good luck. You reach in and feel something metallic grace your hand. You grab it and pull it out to reveal a key.
[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]] (set: $room1 to (a: "Study"))You go down the hall into the lab. The machine is whirring and pulsating some kind of energy. You walk up to it and experiment with it’s switches. It doesn’t take you long to [[figure out how it works.]]
You start rapidly throwing books of the shelves until you finally find one that opens a [[secret passageway. -> passage P1]]The passage leads down a long hallway and eventually opens up into a laboratory. A large metallic, cylindrical device sits in the center of the room. It’s radiating with energy.
(set: $room1 to (a: "Study"))You walk up to it and experiment with it’s switches. It doesn’t take you long to [[figure out how it works.]]
You flip the switches to the correct configuration. The machine whirs and whistles. A blinding flash of light later, you are back in your own dimension. You return to the study.
[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]] (set: $dime to 1)You start rapidly throwing books off the shelves until you finally find one that opens a [[secret passageway. -> passage P3]]You start rapidly throwing books off the shelves until you finally find one that opens a [[secret passageway. -> passage P2]]The passage leads down a long hallway and eventually opens up into a laboratory. A large metallic, cylindrical device sits in the center of the room. It’s radiating with energy.
(set: $room3 to (a: "Study"))You walk up to it and experiment with it’s switches. It doesn’t take you long to [[figure out how it works. -> Work 2]]The passage leads down a long hallway and eventually opens up into a laboratory. A large metallic, cylindrical device sits in the center of the room. It’s radiating with energy.
(set: $room3 to (a: "Study"))You walk up to it and experiment with it’s switches. It doesn’t take you long to [[figure out how it works. -> Work 3]]You flip the switches to the correct configuration. The machine whirs and whistles. A blinding flash of light later, you are back in your own dimension. You return to the study.
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]] (set: $dime to 1)You flip the switches to the correct configuration. The machine whirs and whistles. A blinding flash of light later, you are back in your own dimension. You return to the study.
[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]] (set: $dime to 1)$name1 runs off into the night, happy to be free of that infernal place.
[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]
(set: $room1 to (a: "Escaped"))(set: $room3 to (a: "Study"))You go down the hall into the lab. The machine is whirring and pulsating some kind of energy. You walk up to it and experiment with it’s switches. It doesn’t take you long to [[figure out how it works. -> Work 2]]
(set: $room3 to (a: "Study"))You go down the hall into the lab. The machine is whirring and pulsating some kind of energy. You walk up to it and experiment with it’s switches. It doesn’t take you long to [[figure out how it works. -> Work 3]]
You take a glance around the room and notice a key hanging off of a string from one of the booshelves. You grab it and prepare for your escape.(set: $key3 to 1)
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]](set: $exit to 1)You hastily unlock the door. Freedom is upon you.
[[ Escape 3]]
[[Wait for your friends ->The Haunting's turn]]$name2 runs off into the night, happy to be free of that infernal place.
[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]
(set: $room2 to (a: "Escaped"))$name3 runs off into the night, happy to be free of that infernal place.
[[Next Player ->The Haunting's turn]]
(set: $room3 to (a: "Escaped"))You get a good look at that fancy loveseat and decide to check the cushions. Fortunately for you, there was a key down there after all.(set: $key2 to 1)
[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]](set: $exit to 1)You hastily unlock the door. Freedom is upon you.
[[ Escape 2]]
[[Wait for your friends -> Player 3 T2]] (set: $roomH to (a: "Foyer"))$nameH is dazed this turn.(set: $strengthH to (random: 6,8))(set: $sanityH to (random: 3,4))
[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]GAME OVER[[$name1 ->Player 1 end card]](if: $p1dead is 0)[After fleeing the estate, $name1 spent some time in isolation. There were a lot of things to think about in the years to come. This story would be one that could be heard at every run-down bar in the area. The tale of a dark and horrifying mansion bested by one brave intrepid soul. Or at least, that's what $name1 wanted you to think.]
(elseif: $p1dead is 1)[Unfortunately for the cocky and headstrong $name1, fate had finally caught up with them. They came to this estate to seek adventure but instead it became their grave.]
[[$name2 ->Player 2 End Card]](if: $p2dead is 0)[It was never really about the glory for $name2, but they found more here than they could've ever imagined. $name2 was just tagging along for the ride, but they ended up stumbling upon something far greater than they could've ever imagined. $name2 decided they had enough adventuring for a while though. For now, they'll just kick they're feet up and soak in the aftermath.]
(if: $p2dead is 1)[It would seem that the most innocent of the group had perished in that horrid estate. Of all the tragedies that occured that day, the loss of $name2 would certainly shed the most tears.]
[[$name3 ->Player 3 End Card]](if: $p3dead is 0)[After stumbling upon the discovery of a liftime, $name3 could've devoted their entire life to studying the rift device. They instead made it their life purpose to destroy it. Every fantasy of notoriety that $name3 had was squandered when they discovered the horrors that lie within the estate.]
(if: $p3dead is 1)[It's always a shame to lose such an astute mind. $name3 would've certainly changed the world had they not perished in the estate that day.]
[[The Haunting]](if: $Hdead is 0)[Not much is known about the creatures that live within the estate. One shutters to think of the horrors that are still yet to be discovered. We may never know what The Haunting's true intentions are, but mark my words, it is a creature that we were never meant to come into contact with.]
(if: $Hdead is 1)[After the death of the haunting, all seemed quiet within the estate. No one knows for sure what the creatures that once resided within were doing there. Perhaps they were simply lost, or maybe they were more intelligent than we give them credit for. Once thing is for sure. The mystery of The Haunting will never truly be revealed, but the discovery of a creature such as this will never be forgotten.]
[[End]]THE END...
Turns Taken: $counterDouble-click this passage to edit it.(set: $exit to 1)You hastily unlock the door. Freedom is upon you.
[[ Escape ->[Escape]]
[[Wait for your friends -> Player 3 T2]] (set: $speed1 to (random: 1,3))(set: $strength1 to (random: 4,8))(set: $sanity1 to (random: 2,4))(set: $box to 0)(set: $room1 to (a: "Foyer"))$name1
Speed:$speed1 Strength:$strength1 Sanity:$sanity1
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player ->[Next Player]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]](set: $speed2 to (random: 2,3))(set: $strength2 to (random: 3,6))(set: $sanity2 to (random: 3,6))(set: $box to 0)(set: $room2 to (a: "Foyer"))$name2
Speed:$speed2 Strength:$strength2 Sanity:$sanity2
(if: $turn is 0)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T1]]]
(if: $turn is 2)[[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]](set: $speed3 to (random: 1,3))(set: $strength3 to (random: 2,4))(set: $sanity3 to (random: 4,8))(set: $box to 0)(set: $room3 to (a: "Foyer"))$name3
Speed:$speed3 Strength:$strength3 Sanity:$sanity3
(if: $counter < 5)[[[Next Player -> Player 4 T1]]]
(if: $counter > 5)[[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]]]You fail to find a key.
[[Next Player -> Player 3 T2]]You fail to find a key.
[[Haunting ->The Haunting's turn]]You fail to find a key.
[[Next Player -> Next P2T2]]